CNC- LLC is dedicated to upholding a robust Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance framework to identify money laundering and frauds. This policy sets forth our dedication to abiding by all relevant laws and regulations: 

Authentication & Verification 

Know Your Customer (KYC): To confirm customers’ identities, we will set up and manage a risk-based KYC program.

Consumer Identification: Name, address, birth date, and other pertinent information about the consumer will be gathered and validated.

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD): To obtain more information, EDD will be performed on high-risk consumers or transactions.

Observation and Documentation

Transaction Surveillance: To spot any odd or suspicious conduct, we will set in place mechanisms for continuous transaction monitoring.

Detecting Suspicious Activity: Employees are obligated to alert the assigned AML compliance officer right away if they come to any suspicious activity.

Documentation: In compliance with legal requirements, we will keep records of our customers’ identifying information and transaction history.

Reporting & Investigation of Frauds

CNC LLC provides AML training so that our employees can identify suspicious transactions while recognizing the value of compliance. A designated Compliance Officer will also be in charge of monitoring the AML policy’s implementation and making sure that all applicable laws are followed.

In case of any suspicious activities or financial fraud, CNC LLC will collaborate with relevant authorities and provide necessary assistance in investigations related to money laundering or financial crimes.

Our Anti-Money Laundering Policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to reflect changes in regulations or business practices. 

Feel free to reach us in case of any questions about our AML policy.